Thursday, October 25, 2007

What Mothers Cannot Do

Lord, in this frenzied puttering around the house, see more!
The dusting,
are but the poor efforts of a heavy heart to help time pass.
Praying on my knees I get uptight;
for hearts and lives
are not the only things that need to be put right.
And, while I clean, please, if tears should fall,
they’re settling the dust,—
that’s all.
Lord, I will straighten all I can,
and You—
take over what we mothers cannot do.
~ Ruth Bell Graham

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Tricia, I have been taking some time to read your older blog posts, as I was not hip to your amazing "teachings of Tuck and Ty" until a couple of years in. I have been reading with a very different lens then your original readers in these early days, and this lens has made me think of how poinient this post is, both then and now. I like to think that God's way of taking care of the things a Mom cannot is by putting amazing support systems in our lives. Thank you for the reminder in my own life, and may you continue to see God's presence in your life even when it is hard too feel. Peace & blessings.